News Manager
Visit the News Manager by selecting it in the app menu or by visiting the Dashboard and selecting it there. Use this app to present your organization's news to your website users.
Creating/editing stories
- Post/pull dates
- Meta info
- Tags
- Story summary
Creating/deleting tags
Adding a news story to a content block
- The News Manager home page contains a list of all of your stories, which you can sort (A) and search (B). (The default sort is post date.)
- Each listing (C) tells you when the story was posted and by whom.
- Edit or delete a story with the icons (D) at the far right. You also can edit a story by clicking its title (E).
- Return to this page by clicking VIEW ALL STORIES (F) from any page within the app.
- Get started on a NEW STORY (G)
- Create, edit and delete tags (H)
- Read documentation on the News Manager app (I)
- Select the box to the left of each story you would like to delete, then click DELETE CHECKED (J)
- Click NEW STORY from any page in the News Manager app.
- Enter a TITLE (headline) for the story
- Select the POST DATE and PULL DATE to determine when the story will appear on your site.
- Leave the pull date empty if you want the story to remain on your site permanently
- The pull date must be on the same day as or come after the post date
- Click a tag in the AVAILABLE TAGS field to assign it to the post. Click a tag in the APPLIED TAGS field to unassign it.
- In the FILTER TAGS, OR ADD NEW field, start typing to filter tags in the AVAILABLE TAGS FIELD. Type a tag title then click the + icon to add a new tag. ABOUT TAGS
- Enter a META TITLE and META DESCRIPTION. A well-written meta title will help boost the story page's SEO, while a sound meta description can entice a user to visit the page to read the story. LEARN MORE
- Click each respective blue bar to reveal the page editor to enter the SUMMARY and STORY.
- The SUMMARY should be one or two sentences that will entice a website user to read the full story. It will appear on your News landing page, which consists of each story summary and a link to the corresponding full story.
- The STORY is the entirety of your content, including images
- Click the appropriate checkbox(es) to share your news story on your social media platforms
- Click the SAVE button when you are finished creating/editing your story, or the DELETE button to delete it.
- Click the MANAGE TAGS button from any page in the News Manager app
- In the FILTER TAGS, OR ADD NEW field, start typing to filter tags. Type a tag title then click the + icon to add a new tag.
- Click a red 'x' to delete a tag ABOUT TAGS
- Every story page contains a dropdown menu for easy access to other stories
A list of your news stories, containing the headline and summary, will be generated on a page with the url; each item will link to a page containing the corresponding full story. You also can add news stories to any content block. To do so:
- Click the module icon from a content block (if the content block doesn’t have a module icon, CONTACT US)
- Choose NEWS from the CONTENT TYPE dropdown menu
- Make a selection from the NUMBER OF STORIES dropdown menu
- Click a tag in the AVAILABLE TAGS field to assign it; it will move to the APPLIED TAGS field. Click a tag in the APPLIED TAGS field to unassign it. (Tags are optional; assign no tags if you want to show all news stories. LEARN MORE about tags)
- Click the SAVE button (click the CANCEL button to return to the page you are working on without making any changes)
- The content block now will contain the headline, summary and a link to the full story for each news item